
Vulganus TropicLINE PROOFING Spiral


OPTIMIZED Solution for controlled proofing

Controlled proofing is essential for homogeneous and high quality baked products.

Vulganus Tropicline Spiral is the ideal solution for continuous, hygienic and controlled proofing of bakery products. Temperature, humidity and proofing time are easy to adjust and control.



controlled proofing PROCESS

Uniform and high-quality products need stable proofing conditions. The proofing process benefits from optimized temperature, humidity and proofing time control. Vulganus provides you the technology that best suits your proofing process needs.


what is VUlganus tropicline
Suitable for ?

Products that replaced directly on the belt or charged and proofed on paper

Key Features

Hygienic washable construction

Strong and reliable construction to support high capacities

2 zones + stiffening zone (option)

Modular proofing units

Stainless steel enclosure and spiral

Bypass option, products can moved directly to freezing

PLC optimized temperature, humidity and time control

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